Fundings from
Maurice Demers
(Research and maintenance)
Maurice Demers holds a Ph.D. in history from York University and is a full professor in the Department of History at the University of Sherbrooke. His research focuses on Quebec-Latin America relations in the twentieth century, on Catholic missionaries and on the emergence of north-south solidarity. He is the author of the book Connected Struggles: Catholics, Nationalists, and Transnational Relations between Mexico and Quebec, 1917-1945 (Montréal, MQUP, 2014). He also co-directed the book Le Tiers-Monde postcolonial. Espoirs et désenchantements (Montréal, PUM, 2014), with Patrick Dramé, and the book L’Amérique du Nord. Une histoire des identités et des solidarités (Québec, PUL, 2020), with Catherine Vézina. His current research projects focus on French-Canadian Catholic missionaries who have worked in Latin America, as well as at the Cuernavaca Intercultural Documentation Center (CIDOC) in Mexico.
Stéphanie Lanthier
(Image, sound and editing)
Stéphanie Lanthier is a lecturer and research professional at the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences at the University of Sherbrooke. She has taught at the Department of History and at the School of Applied Politics since 1998. She has been interested in women / nation relations and forest / identity / memory relations in Quebec. Of this interest, two feature-length documentaries co-produced by the NFB were made: Deux mille fois par jour (2004) y Les Fros (2010). Since 2012, she has been making documentaries based on filmed oral history. As part of these projects, several feature films, medium and short films (more than 12 films) were produced. For example: with professor Louise Bienvenue, Paroles d’anciens délinquants de Boscoville, 1942-1997 (2015), and with profesor Benoît Grenier, Persistances seigneuriales : identité et mémoire familiale (2016) and L’attachement seigneurial de l’écrivaine Anne Hébert (2017). Recently, with profesor Maurice Demers, she realized Mémoires de missionnaires catholiques en Amérique latine. Militance et droits humains pendant la guerre froide (2021).